Staff Profile

Head shot of Elizabeth Sibert, a white woman standing in the middle of her lab with whiteboards blurred out in the background


Preferred Name: Elizabeth Sibert

Assistant Scientist

Geology & Geophysics


Phone: 508 289 3580

Office: Clark Laboratory-1st Floor 

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,   Mail Stop 23
266 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543


Lab/Group Site:

Research Statement

My research focuses on how marine ecosystem response to (past) global change. I use microfossils preserved in deep sea sediments, primarily fish teeth and shark scales to reconstruct fish and shark ecological and evolutionary dynamics through time. I place this in the paleo-environmental context using paleoproxies and paleoclimate reconstructions to investigate biological sensitivity to climate and environmental perturbations. My research group works at the intersection of biological oceanography and paleoceanography, combining modern biology with paleontological datasets to explore how marine vertebrates interact with their environments through time and space.