Staff Profile
Judy McDowell
Preferred Name: Judith McDowell
Scientist Emeritus and WHOI Corporation Member
Scientist Emeritus
Phone: 508 289 2557
Office: Swift House Offices
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Mail Stop 38
266 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
B.S. Stonehill College, 1969, Biology/Chemistry
M.S. University of New Hampshire, 1971, Zoology
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 1974, Zoology
Research Interests
My research programs have contributed to a better understanding of the adaptations of marine animals to naturally fluctuating conditions and environmental disturbances. Some of my accomplishments include the elucidation of nutritional and bioenergetic requirements in the development and reproduction of marine animals, the elucidation of physiological responses of marine animals to environmental perturbations, and identification of the relationship between bioaccumulation of lipophilic organic contaminants and physiological responses and disease processes in marine animals. While examining the interactive effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors on coastal shellfish populations, I have also contributed to the development of new management policies for the restoration of contaminated habitats.