Staff Profile

Martin Arostegui

Preferred Name: Martin Arostegui

Postdoctoral Investigator

Research Associate III



Phone: 508 289 3314

Office: Remote EE Virginia 

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
266 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543



Ph.D. – University of Washington – 2019

School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences


B.Sc. – Stanford University – 2014

Biology – Specialization in Marine Biology

Research Statement

Martini’s primary research interest is the behavior and ecology of fishes and elasmobranchs in both marine and aquatic ecosystems. His current research at WHOI focuses on revealing a) the migration pathways of pelagic predators that either regularly visit or reside in the mesopelagic zone, b) the role of light in structuring vertical movement patterns of the pelagic predator community, and c) ecosystem connectivity among the surface and deep ocean. He uses satellite telemetry, fishery-dependent quantitative modelling, stable isotope analysis, and other methodologies to address both basic and applied research questions with the goal of improving our understanding of these organisms and supporting sustainable fisheries. During his PhD at UW SAFS, Martini studied the ecotypic differentiation of rainbow trout and life history diversity of salmonids in lakes. His other research interests include the influence of (sub)mesoscale oceanography on pelagic predator aggregation, recreational and commercial fisheries management strategies, trophic ecology of protected species, parasite-host interactions, biological control of human diseases, and the genetic architecture underlying intraspecific diversity.