Staff Profile

Nobumichi Shimizu

Preferred Name: Nobumichi Shimizu

Scientist Emeritus

Geology & Geophysics


Phone: 508 289 2963

Office: Clark Laboratory-1st Floor 

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,   Mail Stop 23
266 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543



B.Sc. University of Tokyo, Japan, 1963, Geology
M.Sc. University of Tokyo, Japan, 1965, Geology
D.Sc. University of Tokyo, Japan, 1968, Geology

Research Interests

Geochemical evolution of the mantle, especially isotopic and trace element chemistry of minerals in ultramafic and mafic inclusions in basalts and kimberlites, as well as mineral inclusions in diamonds; kinetics of geochemical processes such as kinetics of crystal growth and trace element incorporation; in situ chemical and isotopic analyses of geologic materials with secondary ion mass spectrometry techniques.